Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo
Site Development and Designing of Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh
Parwanoo is a small industrial township in Himachal Pradesh situated in the foot hills of Shimla.
The site already had structures single and three storey buildings designed by Himachal Housing Board.
This site was acquired by the Company to accommodate their administrative staff, factory workers and the guest houses with adequate dining facilities. In addition to the existing accommodation the client wanted an addition of a nursery school and a hostel for its women workers with dining facilities.
To meet this requirement, one of the three storey block which was partially completed was redesigned to convert it into women’s hostel. The dining and kitchen facilities were accommodated on the lower slopes. The roof of the dining area was turfed and used as an open space for the hostel block.
A single storey nursery school was sited on the lower slopes. The structure was designed as a multipurpose flexible space. The space designed with modular units was chosen to facilitate its expansion whenever needed.
The site being in the foothill was in the form of terraces at different levels, the area surrounding the existing structures was minimal for creating any meaningful relationship with the built form. The slopes on the site were highly eroded with few large existing trees, Because of the nature of the terrain the complex looked totally fragmented and in-cohesive with very little usable spaces.
From the entrance road, which was at a higher level the transition to the site was bridged by a series of stepped planters to act as a retaining wall from the road. Entrance to the complex was emphasised by a wide wooden trellis located in between the two existing structures. The trellis was covered with creepers and acted as a gateway to the complex. Narrow strip of an open area in front of a guest houses was extended to provide additional flat open space for the guest house.
The slopes were stabilized by earthen berms and stone retaining walls. Existing large trees on various levels were Integrated into new created spaces. A barbeque was located under a group of existing trees at lower slope. The transition of upper and lower terraces was bridged with series of steps. The integration of open spaces with the structures was achieved with careful and economical grading.
This facility is a part of a larger complex of four acre of undulating site with a drop of nearly twenty feet from the North Eastern road which runs parallel to the site.
The complex comprises of guest houses block, Hostel blocks and a nursery school. Because of the highly undulating terrain the facilities have been created at a various terraces which have been carved out from the undulating terrain with steep grading and sometimes with the help of low retaining walls. The whole complex against the backdrop of hills gives a unified look to otherwise a highly deserted landscape.
The addition of structures of nursery school have been conceived as a low sprawling structures in the landscape with a provision for future addition.
The building has been conceived as a combination of modular units which further permits flexibility for varying uses by the use of pivoted doors.
Every class room is provided with a separate indoor play area and also outdoor play area which is separated by division of hedges for privacy of individual class rooms.
Towards north west side of the nursery school and adjacent to side road is a three storey structures with sloping roof which hoses the girls hostel.
Advantage of terrain has been taken to accommodate the dining and kitchen area at a lower levels which open up towards their own open areas. The roof of the dining area becomes the rear court for the hostel block surrounded by the rooms on the three sides, overlooking the landscaped complex.
The entrance corridor and the toilet facility is facing the road side. Screen of the creepers shading the access corridor creates privacy and cuts off heat and dust from the road.

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo

Parwanoo Complex, Parwanoo